Project goals
To develop new innovative solutions for the acquisition of project implementation competences of the future, develop opportunities for all in acquiring and developing future competences, including key competences and some basic skills: In order to foster employability, socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civic and social life. In order to improve the quality of education; To promote the improvement of the quality of youth work in general game education, support and reinforce the development of future competences for all individuals from early childhood and throughout life.

The main innovative result of the project will be an VR game, which will not only provide a modern educational tool according to the individual needs of learners, but will also have an inclusive approach, providing learning opportunities according to participants’ individual abilities, connected with key competences.
Research on Future Competences exploring and discussing creative thinking, future competences and new technology skills which help youth become an innovator in the local environment due non-formal education settings, gaming based methodology , and competences that can be developed by educators to empower young people to participation and education in times of disruption.
Gaming Methodology Framework – an PDF methodology paper highlighting the innovational and applicability of the new gaming approach on Future Competences has been assigned BRF, new methodology on gaming to improve creativity, competencies of the future, innovator spirit in young people will be compiled in interactive PDF publication;
Development of VR Mobile Game – design and development of a free mobile application in virtual reality (VR) has been assigned to NVIAS, because of their proven experience in developing technology games for children, young people, educators, trainers and youth workers.
Audio material on Future Competences and use of New Technologies for Education (Educational Manual) – testing of educational methodologies and workshops for youth, based
on new approaches, methodologies and tools for improving creativity, competencies of the future, innovator spirit.
Long term results
- The project will continue to be disseminated and project results used and available to target groups and educators (teachers, trainers, youth workers) and relevant stakeholders
- Additional number of members of target groups will know about the project and project results
- The national and European communities of practice (educators, training organizations, educational institutions, decision makers) working on mental health and well-being issues will have at their disposal an innovative and effective methodology
- Additional youth and educators (teachers, trainers, youth workers) will improve their capability to use the educational model developed with the project
Target group
youth aged 16 to 24
youth organisations
schools and universities
business of the future
Projekt Mega Boost 4.0 is focused on 4 main competences of the future, that you can see in the section below.
Future thinking
- long term thinking
- formulating long term goals and
directions of development - noticing a wide range of opportunities
- defining risks
- the ability to analize trends
- looking for inspirations

The future labor market will require from us better and better competences
for effective team work. Remote or hybrid work is gaining importance in the labor market
– enabling work in dispersed, multicultural and interdisciplinary teams.
The main behaviors that established:
- Knowing and understanding the consequences of our actions
- Solving emerging problems on an ongoing basis
- Reacting to changing conditions and easily adapting to them
- Eagering to get to know, accepting the perspective of others
- Beaing open to change, seeing it as an opportunity for development, not a
- Skillfully controlling emerging emotions and being resistant to zones

Peter Diamandis (Singularity University) describes today’s world using the term “new
word disorder “in which” change “becomes one of the permanent elements of reality,
that surrounds us.” Flexibility allows us to become more resilient to reality around us.
- Knowing and understanding the consequences of our actions
- Solving emerging problems on an ongoing basis
- Reacting to changing conditions and easily adapting to them
- Eagering to get to know, accepting the perspective of others
- Being open to change, seeing it as an opportunity for development, not a
loss - Skillfully controlling emerging emotions and being resistant to zones

Critical thinking and making conclusions
This competence allows us to take effective action in a world powered by ton of
information. Critical thinking and drawing conclusions allow us to analyze
surrounding reality and adapting information to our needs.
Key Words:
-ability to analyse the situation
- reasoning
-drawing conclusion
-conflict solving
-problem solving
The main behaviors that established is:
-Analyzing the profitability of decisions made
-Defining the benefits and losses and predicting the costs
-Checking and analyzing information before using it
-Critically receiving messages and filter content
-In tasks, noticing causes and effects, understanding the ongoing proces

Openness to other people as well as to new ideas, narratives and models of functioning
allows us to accept innovations more easily, encourages experimentation by allowing
broaden the horizons of thinking
catching the perspective of others, readiness to adapt role models drawing and
using various inspirations, learnability,
- Carefully listening and drawing conclusions according to his needs
- Adapting the perspective of others to our goals and tasks
- Looking for and tests new solutions, taking different perspectives
- Consciously looking for inspiration and being able to use it in current tasks
- Treating the undertaken activities as an opportunity for continuous
development and learning - Not piling up difficulties, looking for solutions to emerging problems
- Positive attitude, accepting people, things and processes instead of

Future thinking
This competence allows us to take effective action in a world powered by ton of
information. Critical thinking and drawing conclusions allow us to analyze
surrounding reality and adapting information to our needs.
Key Words:
-long term thinking
- formulating long term goals and
directions of development and actions
-noticing a wide range of opportunities
-defining risqs
and bottlenecks
-the ability to analise trends, looking for inspirations
The main behaviors that established is:
-Planning work and actiing according to plan
-Reacting in critical situations and being able to modify the assumed plan
adjusting it to the current situation
-Being ready to make risky decisions
-Helicopter view - can see a wide and complex perspective
-Being able to build various scenarios based on many variables and
-Seeing the opportunities generated by various scenarios, being able to
analyze them
-Making choices adequate to the adopted goal
-Implementing new ideas and solutions

Applicant organization. Changing the way we learn today and how we will learn tomorrow. Responsible for managing the project and creating video manual.

Partner – research on Future Competences. Based on the interviews with Business, Education and Youth for the
Project managers

Agata Smolak
The head of the project. A scientist, investor and connector. Has lead the creation of scientific research and technological projects with an emphasis to modern education.

Pavel König
Promotes connecting business and education,
opening the potential of education,
learning by creating products. In the project is responsible for the games development.

Ginta Salmiņa
Trainer and facilitator who have designed and delivered national and international trainings and seminars on various topics, game methodology expert. In the project is responsible for the methodology.

Edyta Sadowska
Scientist, futurologist, expert of the Future Laboratory. Promotes learning about the topics that are going to be extremely important in future. In the project is responsible for the research.